Sunday, March 09, 2008

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Ginger Bread House

We spent our FHE this week decorating this ginger bread house. Obviously the girls loved it. We will be going back to VA in about a week. I can't wait for a break. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 03, 2005

They chose to be clowns. Jen made the costumes. Anna refused to wear her nose. Posted by Picasa
Snow has returned to Cleveland! We took them out for sledding and making snow angels. The girls were not afraid to go down the fast hill this year... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Anna's race day!

Anna and Jenny ran today. The weather was beautiful. Jenny ran a good race. She said, this was the fastest she had run a 5k since high school. She placed first in her age group! Anna ran fast too. She got a whistle, a fanny pack, a mirror, a water bottle, and a duffle bag! She was thrilled. Jef ran well too. Little Mary was so cute! Sarah and Jef will join us this evening after they gather their things from Jef's grandmother's. Not a bad Saturday morning.

Leah's muscles!

Look at those muscles!

Leah and Anna with her mean muscle face.

All the runners!

Cousins in the grass


Little Mary

Ready, Set, Go!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I don't know which was harder, 6.2 miles or keeping 4 kids entertained!

The race was hot and hilly

Absolutely adorable!

Monday, April 18, 2005

I wrecked my bike on the way to school on Friday. I cushioned the blow to my body with my face and helmet! I had a large dent in my helmet. Better that than my forehead. I've been keeping the wounds gooped up with Neosporin...Luckily I didn't break anything. How it happened is a bit of story, I'll just say that somehow my front wheel detached from the forks while I was in the air from a small jump.

Notice the facial stubble growing back after chemo! It feels like a second puberty